Troop 14567

Troop Profile

(L-R) Lily, Leslie and Gnouma

We are high school freshmen from Tucker, GA who wanted to make an impact on the community. We were excited to get the opportunity to collaborate with the CDC Museum and build this website for our Silver Award project. Some of the modules cover issues that really hit home for us, so writing them in a way that was helpful to our peers was important. If the three of us can make a difference and literally work with the government to teach people about public health, then your troop can create change too.

I’m Lily, and I enjoy playing soccer and I have a Siamese cat. I am passionate about environmental issues and like to spend time outside. I think this project turned out really well and I hope it has an impact.
My name is Leslie and I want to inspire girls like me to become a Girl Scout. I did this project to help bring awareness to tough issues that everyone faces.
Hi, I’m Gnouma! I originally thought this project wasn’t for me until I realized that anyone can make an impact. I am in International Club and enjoy hanging out with my friends after school.